Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Help with building leg muscles?

Hey guys, I need a bunch of bodyweight exercises I can do to build muscle on my thighs, hamstrings and calves. I can use light weights, I have dumbells (up to 50 lbs) and a barbell up to 80 lbs. Any help would be appreciated.
I would suggest you go buy some more plates for your barbell. A pair of 45s should last you for a little while.For thighs I would reccomend: Back Squats (if you have a rack you can get under), front squats, lunges, one legged squats with dumbells.For posterior chain(hamstrings, glutes, lower back): Good mornings, deadlifts, romanian dead lifts, power cleans, snatches.Except for good mornings you can use dumbells with any exercise instead of a barbell.Calves: Stand on a step or block and hold a dumbell in one hand, do calf raises using just the foot on that side and balance with your opposite hand.Sprinting is also a great leg workout that releases alot of growth hormone.
You don't want to do raises daily, you need to give the muscle time to rebuild. But raises are an excellent exercise.
do squats
they help ALOTatleast 50 or 100 a day
then increase once you get used to it

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