Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Help FattY!!!????

I'm 14 and i weigh 114 and I'm only 5'1! how can i loose weight? any tips or websites would be greatly apprieciated. I get called fat a lot and i believe im the fattest of all of my friends. Even though most of the time its not even my friends who call me fat!
Thank You
You are not fat
you are not overweight.
I feel sad for you. Talk to your mom, pediatrician and ask to see a therapist.
I hope you get better and start to see yourself as you really are.by checking your profile, I see you have asked this SAME question many, many times. I think you have a serious problem. You need to focus on something besides your weight.
Do volunteer work, read a book, learn piano.
You are not overweight and if you think you are then you may have a very very serious eating disorder.
Go talk to an adult today!
Tell your parents you want to get healthy. Don't eat fried foods, if you find yourself at a fast food joint get a salad and fat free dressing. No more soda or juices, drink water and sugarless tea. no more desserts or candy or icecream. Eat special K for breakfast not pancakes and sausage.
good luck!
Honestly, you are not fat. Just stop worrying and take yourself to the mall for morale.
Be informed and prepared. Do some research. Make a plan. Stick to the plan. This site will help.http://teenadvice.about.com/cs/bodyimage... Best of luck to you.
To prevent from becoming obese (like the rest of the American public), please control your weight and keep excersizing. However, if you feel like you need to lose weight and diet, I hope this helps:First and Best Way: Excersize!!!!!!!!!!! You need to excersize atleast 1 hour a day and I would say Running/Jogging is the best way to go about it. But personally, I hate that so I do jumping jacks, skip rope, rollerskate, and run up-and-down my stairs. Any type of rigorous, systematic movement can be considered excersizeSecond Way: Reduce your intake of highly saturated fats! Stop eating those artery-clogging french fries, chicken wings, etc. It's okay to eat them once a week but don't pig out on them. If you normally order a Large Fries, then order Medium one next time. Third Way: Reduce your intake of Meat Products. That way, you save animals and help benefit your health. It's true that meat has protein and iron, but you can get iron supplements and protein from vegeterian food. I'm not saying you should have a vegeterian diet from now on (even tho I am a vegeterian); I'm just saying you should reduce your intake of meat. So if you eat meat everyday, cut it down to three days a week. Fourth Way: Eat your fruits and vegetables. I eat three fruits and three vegetables everyday and I think that has worked for me pretty well (I'm 100 pounds ..n no I'm not anoerexic (did I spell that right?)) Anyways, urge your parents to buy more fruit and veggies and include them in your dinner. Even if you don't want to eat as many fruits and veggies as I do, you should atleast have two fruits and two veggies in your diet EACH day. There is good vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, water, and other stuff in there that helps you lose weight.Fifth Way: Water is a natural appetite suppressant, so developing a good water drinking habit can be a long-term aid in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Doctor F. Batmanghelidj MD, author of "Your Body's Many Cries For Water" says most times your “hunger” is your body asking for water – not food. It's also important to remember that when the body is dehydrated, fat cells get "rubbery" and cannot be easily metabolized. This means that it's harder to lose when you don't drink your water.Sixth Way: Drink lukewarm water with two table spoons of honey dailySeventh Way: One-Two table spoons of vinegarAnyways, those were a few options that you can try simultaneously (which is what I recommend) or one-by-one. You take care of urself and good luck with that!

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