i need a "extream fast way" to get a flat stomach before may, i need it FAST! how do i do that? i dont care what it takes !!! please explain what i should do!!??
doing crunches and ab exercises will not help you achieve your "flat stomach." it will help you get nice abs once your stomach is flat though. to get a "flat stomach" you'll have to do a combination of cardio, like walking, jogging, swimming, etc. i suggest around 30 minutes for around 3 days a week at least . then you might want to do some ab exercises like crunches as well to make your stomach look nice after its "flat."
My AB Workout consists of 3 basic exercises. These exercises work on the 3 abdominal groups, worked out in the correct order to get maximum results.1. Leg raises (Rectus Abdominis)
2. Side Crunches ( External/Internal Obliques)
3. Straight Crunches (Transverse Abdominis)Here is how it works. You want to get up to where you are doing 3 sets of 25 reps for each exercise. But start with one set of 15, then 20, then 25. Then start with 2 sets of each, then finally 3 sets. Only allowing a 30 to 45 second break between sets.1. Lie flat on a mat, with your hands placed at your lower back, close to your butt. Now with your legs bent slightly, and toes pointed away from your body, with legs together, lift your legs up 6 inches off the ground. Each rep consists of lifting your legs from 6 inches to 12 inches. You cannot put your legs on the ground till the set is done. Go between 6 inches, to 12 inches, and back. Each time you reach the 6 inch mark, count one rep. Each movement should be one second. One second up, one second down. 2. Lie with your back flat on the mat, your legs should be bent so that your feet are flat on the mat, about shoulder width apart. Your hands should not be behind your head, but place them under your opposite armpits, or chest. Now you curl up, not lifting your lower back off the mat, (these are crunches, not situps) Your rep consists of curling your right elbow towards your left knee, and then the other side. You do not touch your knee. One second up, one second, down. One second other side, one second down. A rep consists of both sides being done. So your rep is done when you have moved up, and down, on each side. (This one you will notice right away)3. Lie the same way as in number 2 above, with the hands in the same position. Now this one you just curl straight up, hold for a second, then back down. Do not jerk yourself up, Curl yourself up. Each rep consists of one up, and one down. Each time you are on the mat with your back, counts as one rep.NOTE: You can do abs every day. But I find if I rest one day a week, I reward myself for sticking with it. GOOD LUCK, and enjoy your SIX PACK.
sit up's!! i recomend leslie sansone.........her workout videos changed my life! her flatten youre belly one is great!!!!!!
if you hold your breaths your tummy can go flat. but when i do that i sometimes am feeling faint %26 like i will fall down. my dad wears my mums girdle all the time except when he's in the bath coz then he takes it off %26 puts it on again afterwards. hope that helps you. good luck coz i would hate a fat tummy.
lots %26 lots of heavey duty situps I think.
Site below has fastest way to flatten tummy. Nourish your body thin, instead of starving your body fat. Good carbs like celery and carrots will never make you fat. Bad carbs like cake will, but you don't need to know the whole science of glycemic load. You need to re-learn how to eat so you can become thin and healthy. Salt has no calories but makes you fat and burning more calories does not help this fatness.Find out about fastest way to lose weight, most effective exercise, good and bad fats, water retention and secret trick used by models to flatten their tummy before an event. Reading a book will take you hours but the information on a post, taking minutes to read, is not enough. The webpage below has just enough to know what you need to know. Links page has gov. BMI calculator to find out just how much overweight you are (teens plug in your age to compare to others your age).You can force your body to lose weight with not enough calories, but if you continue it, you will starve to death. With an abundance of healthy foods, you lose weight just as fast, but only until you reach your ideal weight. You can continue eating this way the rest of your life and always be at your ideal weight.http://www.phifoundation.org
I read that for a flat stomach you need to make sure you're getting enough sleep, something to do with not enough sleep means you're hungrier the next day. Also make sure youre eating rellay healthily, and do a load (not too much) of sit ups each day along with other exercise. Just dont overdo it and dont starve yourself. Sit ups really work your stomach, ive found they helped me. Also try holding it, so when youre halfway through a sit up, just hold it for as long as you can. If you dont normally exercise dont go rushing into loads of exercise straight away though. :)
start jogging 1 mile a day for about a week, then run about 2 miles a day and do 4 sets of 25 situps in the morning as well at night. don't do too much situps because your stomach won't flatten it will just bulge out because the muscle is being over worked.
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